So today I whipped up a big bowl of Crabtree & Evelyn Almond Oil shave cream... I popped a new Professional blade into my Feather AC and went to town. The first thing I noticed (I've been using the feather for about 3 months now) is how remarkably easy it cut through my beard. Effortless! Its cutting through with absolutely no pressure at all! Wait a second... where did that chin scar go?

Yep, I managed to totally remove a 1 inch scar from my hockey days from my chin. The scar was raised about 1/8" off my face, and the feather totally removed it. I bled rather quickly and profusely, so I decided not to use any aftershave (i really considered it for a second!).

I applied the styptic pencil to stop the blood a bit and slapped on a small butterfly.

Moral of the story... if the blade is moving way too smooth... proceed carefully!!