ok guys i got a (more than likely pos) straight as a gift. its a burmax made in pakistan. dont know the measurement but its round tipped, stainless.
it came about as sharp as a decent pocket knife. i stroped it with green paste, rough, then smooth leather until it was popping hair mid way on my arm and leg.
i watched some how tos (geofatboy and such on youtube) and felt comfortable giving it a go. so heres what i did
hot shower
pre shave oil
canned goo (mama bears on the way)
one pass "wtg" did the best i could to stay wtg but i have some odd angles as im sure everyone else does
cold rinse
witch hazle
i did not get a single cut nick or razor burn but it was also the worst shave ive ever had
it felt like a one day old shave (reasonably smooth rubbing wtg but sand paper atg) and pulled like crazy making it uncomfortable.
now here where i need help. does the edge need refinement on like a 12k or was it all my awesome beginner skill.
it didnt feel sharp enough to me even though it took hair off my arm and leg half way and i did have some success with hht.