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Thread: Good but strangely unsatisfying shave

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    I refer to my heavy grinds as Silent & Deadly, I actually like the quiet stroke of the heavies, but none of my heavies are in the top 4 of my shavers.
    I find myself constantly trying to refine the edge on them, to reach the quality of cut that I get from the hollows in my rotation.
    So I quess, quiet isn't always better.

  2. #12
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    I enjoy stropping a super hollow singing blade, but I prefer shaving with something much this particular point in time.

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  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    I have nothing but Ducks in my rotation but I started to put a big ole' WB in and it bit me. Now, I thought this was due to the blade size at first but a few days later I grabbed a Goldedge and it is also 7/8. Now that you mention the feedback thing I will blame it on that.
    Why else would I lay open a major chin artery while I watch it happen in the mirror ?
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    Maybe it was sharper than the feedback. I did get a very nice shave out of it once the bleeding stopped an hour or so later.
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  4. #14
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    well now that I have an opinion on the matter. I think I will enjoy a hollow ground better after I have tamed that square point and the slightly more rambunctous flex of the blade.

    I have a small hole in my cheek and left ear from the point and two nicks below the chin just because I'm not as used to having that much play. but the shave seemed better (this is partially do to a seemingly sharper blade)

  5. #15
    ace is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan82 View Post
    I've been reading this POV quite a bit lately and I have to admit that I don't get it. I love the sound a hollow razor makes as it slices through whiskers. It reminds me that I'm actually shaving and not just dragging a piece of steel across my face. JMHO.
    If everyone "got it" the same way, then we'd all be driving Hybrids or Ferraris, shaving with hollow grinds or wedges, and shaving with Cartridges or Straights. We'd also all be married to the same woman. That might make my wife happy, but I'm not sure you other guys could handle it. Like most things, it's personal, preference-based, there are few rights and wrongs, and we can peacefully co-exist.

  6. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10Pups View Post
    I have nothing but Ducks in my rotation but I started to put a big ole' WB in and it bit me. Now, I thought this was due to the blade size at first but a few days later I grabbed a Goldedge and it is also 7/8. Now that you mention the feedback thing I will blame it on that.
    Why else would I lay open a major chin artery while I watch it happen in the mirror ?
    Maybe it was sharper than the feedback. I did get a very nice shave out of it once the bleeding stopped an hour or so later.
    Yea, they are silent and deadly. I think because of the silence of the shave and general lack of feed back you have to be even more vigilant of how you are shaving. That aside they do shave as well as any hollow I have used.

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  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by ace View Post
    If everyone "got it" the same way, then we'd all be driving Hybrids or Ferraris, shaving with hollow grinds or wedges, and shaving with Cartridges or Straights. We'd also all be married to the same woman. That might make my wife happy, but I'm not sure you other guys could handle it. Like most things, it's personal, preference-based, there are few rights and wrongs, and we can peacefully co-exist.
    My original post was not to state a preference but merely to state how I felt after using a near wedge. I now know there is a real difference and likely why, the lack of feedback compared to other blades I have used. The biggest lack of feedback is the audio part but also the deadness of feel due to the weight and thickness of the blade. Now that I have experienced the difference I don't think of preferences just differences and recognize that it will be a different experience but with the same end result, a decent shave. It was strangely unsatisfying for me only in the fact it was totally different from what I was used to.

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  8. #18
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    I tried a full hollow this morning, just for the heck of it and to see how I felt about the experience. It was still an 8/8 blade, which is what I am used to, but the hollow grind stood out once again, and I'll try to articulate why it is that it doesn't appeal to me as it might to others. I heard the sound of the whiskers being cut, as has been noted, and I assume that is the blade flexing as it cuts. What that seems like to me is that the blade is somehow working harder at getting the job done than my near wedges seem to be. With my near wedges, I can sense the whiskers being cut without the blade having a reaction to the cutting, seemingly more effortless. Again, this is not a matter of which is better, because the shaves are the same, but a matter of what noises one finds more attractive while shaving. Again, to each his own.
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  9. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    The horror of the dying whiskers.
    ,,,,,,,,the horror, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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  10. #20
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gunsandbibles View Post
    well now that I have an opinion on the matter. I think I will enjoy a hollow ground better after I have tamed that square point and the slightly more rambunctous flex of the blade.
    I think some people shave with a much more raised angle than is needed causing pulling & irritation. The way I shave I don't find full hollows so noisy except for strokes that demand a raised spine like at the start of the coup de maitre etc.
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