Hello everyone,

I have been shaving with a Dovo shavette for about a month now and liked it so much I decided to buy a Dovo Masters from SRD. I just got the razor last night and used it this morning after stropping it and it did not glide at all like my shavette does. So really I'm just curious if someone here could help me identify what could possibly be wrong, it is my understanding that razors come from SRD shave ready so im sure the razor was sharp when I received it. Is shaving with a real straight razor really that much different than a shavette and it performs differently? Could my one time stropping the blade really have messed it up so bad it dulled the razor? (Ive watched plenty of the videos from the stroptober thread and tried all the pointers and have been practicing before I stropped my new razor.) Any advice is appreciated, I just don't want to be frustrated with my first actual SR.