So I am still what I would think most would consider a newbie to the straight razor shave. I am new to the forum also. I have read over pieces of it several times then decided to dive in and join. I like the help, but I must say, I am not getting good results. I have tried to book an appointment with the master barber here around DC, but he's always booked. I have viewed numerous YouTube videos and watched their technique. I just am not gettting a good shave. I would think that my blade would do so much better than it does, but especially on my against the grain pass, it looks like I didn't even touch it. It seems as if I am only wiping off the shaving cream with my blade. Any suggestions?? I bought my razor from The Art of Shaving, and they said it was ready to use. I do a good shave prep (I think). I shower beforehand. I apply pre-shave oil and let it set for a few minutes. I then apply a layer of lather and let that set. I then rinse it off and start with a new layer of lather. Then it begins. I suck really bad on the chin also. Again, any help is appreciated.