This is a first for me in two aspects.
1st. Thanks to engine46 for the head's up on the CA WOOD FINISH.
Thanks to sharpton for the enthusiastic push to pin my razors.

Thanks guys.

She's not perfect by no means, but it was a success.
Just leaves room for improvement.
And time and practice will prevail.

So here's what we got.
Erik Antonberg,Eskilstuna Sweden
Scales of my design, Ivory one's were broke. Done with CA WOOD FINISH and teak wedge.
Pins are #16 Escutcheon pins.
Washers are stainless #0, a little big but not to big.
All in all im satisfied with my first attempt, being that the tang is bent, so i had to shim it and bent the pivot pin really bad the first time. Drilled out and got it the second time.

So here' the results.
Attachment 205873Attachment 205874Attachment 205875Attachment 205876