Until recently, I did not understand the difference between a shaving mug and a scuttle. It was just yesterday or the day before where I came across a thread that enlightened me on the difference. For those who don't know, a scuttle has a separate chamber below the lathering bowl where you put piping hot water to keep everything nice and hot.

So today I make a run to goodwill, where they have shelves upon shelves of cups, bowls, and other kitchen goodies. In my searches I found a two crystal bowls that fit really nicely together, and the larger one was heavily carved giving it a very classy look. In the end I decided for something a little less classy, but more functional. I found a Tabasco bowl that fit the smaller one even more snug than the crystal bowl, had a wider base for more stability as well as hold more hot water, and was ceramic so it would hold the heat better for my 45 minute shaves.

Here are some pics
With some other shaving goodies.

Not bad for $5!