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    Member kamikazeproject's Avatar
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    Default Joseph Rodgers and Sons

    Just got this little guy a few days ago on ebay for a whopping eleven dollars. Anybody have any ideas what I've got here? I know it's pre 1890, since it's not marked "Sheffield, England"... only "Sheffield." I'm curious if anyone knows a little better about how old it may be.
    She's in pretty damn good shape though, that's for sure. The stamps are kinda worn, but I think that has more to do with the original stamping than the wear on it. It looks like the stamp was placed off center or something, because where it appears that the first part of "Joseph" has worn off, I'm pretty sure "Joseph" wouldn't have fit in it's entirety in the first place. I'm guessing if it was a hand hammered stamp, it could have been off center, who knows. haha
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