I am a knife collector primarily and over time ended up with some a few straight razors in amongst them. I kept the ones that looked the best and discarded chipped, cracked. or deeply rusted examples. Essentially, the same thing I do with knifes. Over the weekend I got A W.H. Morley & Sons w/ barber's notch. The blade was quite nice overall but did not have scales. It seemed such a quality piece that I decided to see if there was any info on putting new ones on and that's how I found my way in here. I have one more SR, a Wade & Butcher "Silver Steel" but I could not find it. When I do I will put pics up of it as well.

Overall, all the scales are in pretty good shape. The Top Flight scales are made of some sort of early plastic composition, I don't think they are celluloid though. When I got it there was a lumpy waxy layer covering them. I'd guess it was an instability in the plastic because of age. It all cleaned off with 0000 steel wool however and the scales are quite good underneath. The wedge is also having its color is leach out into the scales. That is the light purple tone at the end. The Electric one is the most interesting to me. I am thinking that once I am actually able to tackle making my own scales, steampunk themed ones would compliment it pretty nicely. That moment is some time down the road however.

Here is what I have -

W.H. Morley & Sons "Clover Brand"

Simmons Hardware "Barber's Pet No. 421"

Electric Cutlery Co. "Electric"

Burrell Cutlery "Top Flight" w/ blued shank

I don't have a light box so the pics are pretty poor. Hopefully you can get an idea of their general condition.
