Here is a Wostenholm Peerless that I picked up from my local antique shop. It was super tarnished and had a few spots of rust, but the scales are in great shape. So I cleaned it up, but there are still some striations from the sanding that I did (in addition to a few spots of disoloration that I ended up just leaving, which where originally the spots of rust). So I guess I need some fine grit paper. I was just afraid of the etching and gold wash coming off, but so far so good, except near the toe of the blade where a heavy rust spot was that required some coarser grit sand paper. I probably should have taken my time and read up on restoring razors before I jumped right into it, but... what the heck...

Anyways here it is. Also if anyone could give me some info on what the use to polish up a blade i would be thankfull. Such as: what is your sandpaper progression (i don't have a dremel) is there any benefit to using steel wool, etc...

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