being something of a ludite, and somewhat disinclined to make videos and post them i never had tried. Recently a new member was talking about left handed, mono-dexterous shaving, so i went to all the effort of using my phone as a mirror, and recorded myself shaving in this style, it was tricky due to the lack of size of "mirror", the fact that it was quite dark because i had to stand the phone inside the bathroom cupboard, and the lag between me doing something and the phone processing it and showing me.
so after all that i had a reasonable video of the process, it was a bit shakey at the start while i got used to the camera image, but at the end i was content enough.
i tried to attach it to a reply to the thread so that i could show the new feller what i do, and it wouldn't attach, i left it a few days and tried at work on an actual computer rather than my phone, whereupon i got a message that the file was too large. do i have to put the damn thing on youtube, then link that?
the original file is about 7 mins of mp4 footage, can i use a file converter to make it smaller, or do i have to post my phone to the new guy to show him, which frankly would be inconvenient.
any ideas?