Anyone else having problems with their messages? I went to reference some info received from another member, and found a message (with quoted response) that I never received OR sent. It turns out, all the messages in my Inbox contain this same message.

Alright, no worries. I still wanted that info, so I fell back in my contingency plan. I don't delete very many messages, and save "sent items" as well. I also intentionally leave the quoted text when I respond to a message; that way I still have a copy of what they said to me knocking around. I do this for two reasons: I'm a tad bit forgetful some days, and as a redundancy in case of some sort of system error/malfunction.

Problem. Every single message saved in my "sent items" folder also contains this message. AND it has another member as the sender for all of them.

I cannot take screenshots with my current version of Chrome for android, but I can "print..." and save it as a pdf. So hopefully I can upload it to this, and y'all will see what I'm talking about.

Broken Inbox.pdf
Broken Inbox - Received.pdf
Broken Inbox - Sent Items.pdf

Well, that isn't exactly how I see the site, but at least you get an idea of the problem. Now that I know it works, I hust need to tweek the options next time I save it.