Alright, dear sirs, omnipotent forum admins... who broke the site for mobile users??

Today, the site showed me the mobile version, and had me logged out. I figured it would return to my preference of the full site once I logged in... nope! The link for "Full Site" at the bottom of every page did NOT in fact take me to the full version. It just reloaded the mobile version of the main forum index.

I used my browser's "Request Desktop Site" to finally reach the full site. Incidentally when using the mobile site, once you go through a couple of workarounds to find your account settings, it tells you "This content is only available through the full site..." !! I was trying to check my settings so as to make sure they weren't changed to use the mobile site.

I figure some of the site software was updated, aand now it forces the mobile site upon those of use using a phone/tablet browser. What's the deal?

With respect,
Chris R.