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  1. #1
    Metropolis Watches Over Me
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    Feb 2008
    Raleigh, NC
    Thanked: 9

    Default SRP is now on Twitter

    Hi Fellow Tweeters!

    If you haven't noticed, dwessell, BeBerlin, and I have started a Twitter account: "SRPforum".

    You'll find that we'll be tweeting general announcements just like here in the forum, but we also want to casually post other quick, neat tidbits of shaving-esque text. As we try to find "our voice", so to speak, we're really interested in getting a feel for the types of things shavers here (who are on Twitter) would be interested in following.

    We'll be trying new things here or there, so if you see a tweet along the lines of something you would enjoy more often, speak up!

    Any discussion/input in this thread would also be greatly appreciated.

    Also, as many of you can see on the left hand side of the screen, you are now able to follow a "Tweet Stream". We're currently testing it out, changes to it may occur. Please let us know what you think.

    Tweeting Tips

    * Follow SRPForum for updates via tweet.
    * Find fellow SRP members on twitter.
    * Try shortening your URLs by using a shortener like
    * Consider tagging the community in your tweets via a hashtag or replying @srpforum so that members can search for your tweets.

    About the TweetBoard

    The TweetBoard is our tweet stream tracker that will make it convenient to post a tweet right from SRP! It's great for a lot of twitter sociability, but you'll notice quick that it isn't very useful as a chat room. Besides, we already have one of those.

    * Avoid the temptation to use it like a chat room.
    * Think before you tweet: will it add value to the stream?


    Here is a list of common acronyms and hashtags that we have seen across the twitter shaving scene as well as a few ideas for new ones. Their frequency will be noted and as they are used (or new ones take their place) perhaps they will be edited here or placed in a Wiki.

    We're not encouraging any particular ones; just like how the acronyms that we've grown to love here on the forum have been adopted by the community at large, we'll be mostly leaving hashtag adoption to the free-market economy that is your keyboard and fingers.

    Last edited by marosell; 01-04-2010 at 04:27 PM.

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