I swear by my uber lather of MWF and Maca Root + some additives. Has never let me down. But being an intrepid acquirer I was in my local Grocery Outlet store yesterday and stopped at the creams, lotions and potions wall for no real reason. Discovered they carry a great deal of organic and small brand beauty goods. Among which I found an olive oil soap from Turkey and a tube of shaving cream from a brand called Kiss My Face (key lime), subtitled moisture shave. A very long list of ingredients which I read because I am sensitive to too much menthol, eucalyptus and Shea Butter if there is too much in it. Always trying to find a different, if not better, way of starting my daily ritual suicide with a straight razor. After my shower I washed my face with the pure olive oil soap, left it on and built a lather from the Kiss My Face in my Goodwill adjusted bowl (added bumps and ridges with a fast drying epoxy) and lathered up. Not expecting anything but a mediocre result since I am sold on my uber concoction I was very surprised at how cushiony and slick a lather I had and the ease of shaving with an end result of only two passes and almost no sting from my alum bloc. This is a shaving cream that needs more attention (other scents available) and possible cheaper than MWF in the long run. Also, it didn't dry on my face.