I have become pretty competent with a shaving brush and soaps. I have several quality soaps and enjoy them all but MWF has become my nemesis as of late. The scent is an intoxicating addiction and the performance is hit and miss for me.

I have experimented with different brushes and settled on my Semogue 2000 boar because it burns through hard pucks with ease and holds a lot of lather. Living in Idaho, I know I have fairly soft water and have had no problem lathering the FAT. I have settled on a 90 second brush to puck lather time. Soak the 2000 in warm water and then shake it out. Face lather to a sticky paste and add water by dipping the brush until I get a bubble free, thick lather.

The results:

Sometimes slick and wonderful. Sometimes it's all show and no slickness.

I have had some fantastic shaves and some of the worst shaves ever. It is obvious that I need to dial in my procedure but am currently at a loss as to "HOW".

I want to love this soap but am at the end of my patience. Any suggestions?