Again...thanks for all the feedback. I have had zero issues lathering multiple soaps and creams to include Nuavia, Nera and Verde, art of shaving Sandalwood cream, Klar lemongrass, Mitchell’s wool fat, B&M Seville, B&M lemon, Martin de Candre, Tobac, and Fine menthol to name a few with no issues at all.

Had another go with the CF this morning and it lathered up great. Used plenty of water and took my time. I even made sure the the water in the scuttle was not too hot. I have seen that if the water is too hot it dries out the soap. By the third pass it was like I was shaving with Elmer’s glue.

I will keep at it but I might just throw in the towel and mail it off for someone else to give it a whack. Or just toss it.