No, I'm not getting fresh. I just wanted to introduce a product that you may or may not have any experience with. I just received my first order from KMF; learned about it from the gents over at SMF. At $1 per 4oz tube (it was on sale), I figured if it was garbage I'd not be out much cash. However, after my maiden shave with KMF Virgin Forest, I'm sold. Quality seems to be near to that of TOBS. Lathered well, holds alot of water, stays moist, produced enough lather for multiple passes, slick...just about anything you might want from your shaving cream. The scent may be a bit less intense than many of the other creams on the market, but I like a subdued scent. For those interested, here is the website
Regular price is $6 for an 11oz pump bottle, or $4 for a 4oz tube.
