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11-08-2013, 03:19 PM #1
Your experience appreciated: passes HHT but tugs and pulls and hurts
Dear members,
I am new to SRP and SRs altogether. Have gotten two SRs so far (Bergischer Lowe and Wacker Best Tradition) and a Dovo strop and some paste, etc. Now I am broke! :s lol
I can't bear the thought that I have to part with one of my SRs yet again for a couple of weeks to get honed and also can't afford honing it right now. In London, the least inexpensive place so far is about £20.
Here's the thing. My Bergischer is fine, kind of. But my Wacker although it passes the HHT it tugs and pulls on my beard like crazy, always giving me burns and bursted blood vessels and a nightmare to get a clean shave with.
I keep stopping mid-shave and stropping it some more on my rougher leather pasted strop. It gets a little bit sharper, but still..
Could I be stropping wrong or too little? The more I strop the sharper it gets granted, so I've been stropping it as much as I can.. will that work eventually? Or if it reaches that state needs honing?
Thing is, today I gave up and got my DE. Wow..!! It just cut right through and gave me finally a clean shave I hadn't had with straight razors for some time