If anyone read my last thread about stropping they'll know I'm awful at it. Not only have I killed two strops I've yet to actually strop a razor on leather and get any results. Unless you count negative results (making it duller)

Anyway, I was looking at paddle strops, as suggested, and thinking about where I could get a very large one. Somehow I ended up looking at leather. I was thinking about pasting some down on a cutting board, or something like that. Then I had an idea.

I thought what if I were to purchase a glass-topped lazy susan, and paste the leather onto its surface. Then I would simply need to hold my razor in place upon the edge, and rotate the 'strop' itself. This could simply be me clutching at straws. Trying to avoid learning what is sure to be a difficult practice, but I can't help but wonder if an idea like this has utility at all.