Today I received my Heirloom #2 horsehide strop with Tony's new built-in handle design. It's my fifth Tony Miller strop; I hang them on a loop of rope on my bedroom door handle, and it's starting to look like the winning stringer from the Bass Master Classic...

Anyway, I decided to shave the back of my neck this evening, and so I tried out the horsehide strop.

I think it has just vaulted ahead of my latigo and honey brown strops and claimed first place in my collection. This thing is AMAZING. I think it's going to take my stropping to a whole new level.

The blade exhibits virtually no draw on this leather, which I didn't think I would like. To this point my favorite strop was the latigo, which has tons of draw. The honey brown has a lot less, and I like it but I'm always wondering if the edge is making good contact.

The horsehide is slick, and the razor feels like it's zipping over the surface. For some reason I feel a lot more confident that I'm making good strokes.

I was stropping a full-hollow 6/8; I'm thinking tomorrow I'll try it out on one of my Wapienicas to see how a heavier blade works with it.

Beautiful strop, Tony. I know you can't hear me 'cause the waves are drowning me out, but you da MAN!
