Okay, it seems as we get older, we get dumber. I am already learning that I know nothing about topics that I was expert in twenty years ago. Perhaps I am just learning the value of humility and I am humbled by the wealth of knowledge here at SRP. Please allow me to admit my ignorance regarding leather strops.

I have just ordered a top grain cowhide 2.5 x 24 Illinois (no handle). I bought this one because it is what I had in my past shaving life and I liked it. I had that first one because an old Italian barber who taught me about razor care and maintenance took it off one of his two chairs and handed it to me along with a brown ceramic hone. He said, "Ay! You taka dese ana no cutta youself eh. De raza getsa dull maybe she breaksa, you comma back ana see me. She'sa easy to fixa. You getta cut you no so easy fiixa".

Now for the first time I am reading catalogs and I see some of the most expensive strops are "Russian" leather. What does it mean? Are they made from Russian cows, horses, pigs, girrafes or maybe even the rare Russian naugas? How much difference does the hiide make when many folks are using abrasive paste on top anyway (huge props to Josh Earl for his beautiful tutorial)?

