Honed up a new razor Friday, packed it up and headed for my weekend getaway. I have a horsehide strop there. Gave the razor a bunch of passes on the canvas, and on the buffed horsehide. The edge was pretty good---not bad, but not quite *there* in both HHT and shave quality (I'm kinda picky...).

Got home last night and broke out the latigo. A few laps on that, and the HHT was up to "ninja whisper silent" mode. A definitely noticable improvement.

I had hit up the buffed horsehide numerous times over the weekend, bu the edge didn't seem to progress. A few licks on the latigo, and it now seems to be in the zone...

I've noticed this before on other razors as well. Perhaps horshide can maintain an edge once it's reached the pinnacle, but for me, it doesn't seem to want to help to actually get it there. I guess that's a good sales pitch for the tri-strop!