First of all, I almost posted this in the newbie forum, because it's that kind of question, but I was afraid it would be a confusing topic for true newbies.

Anyway, there have been a lot of comments from new members who looked at other sources, and some older texts that have been referenced by several members lately, including one that talked about using graphite on your regular strop, and this makes me as a few questions.

First, it seems like a lot of older references talk about only stropping intermittently, not daily like most all of us do. Has anybody tried less frequent stropping?

And second, there seem to be a lot of references to using mild abrasive materials like chalk, graphite and rouge on your regular every day strop.

Personally, a strop with no abrasives used every day, and a barber hone once a month seems to do a great job for me, but I'm curious if anybody has tried using only a pasted strop, and only using it to refresh the edge every few shaves, and if so, what sort of results they saw.