I rewarded myself for hitting the 50 shave mark with a KenRup Paladin with all the fixings. 3" horsehide with a 2" canvas attached. I had the "Filly" previously, which comes just with the cowhide leather and a reverse-side pasted with CrOx.

So, this is my first strop with anything but leather. I read about many guys' routines for stropping and many of them included "linen" stropping prior to leather, either before shaving, after, or both.

My question is: Is the canvas strop close to linen in this respect? In taking one of my duller razors to the canvas, I noticed that it is a loud, seemingly abrasive (at least by feel) stroke, so before I do any potential damage, I figured I'd come to the experts.

What say ye? What are the similarities/differences?

