Thank you, kind sirs, for your responses. All the info you provided is awesomely helpful, and in the end the thought that yes, the materials are basically the same but that the strop makers have the experience to hand pick the raw materials that would best suit the job makes total sense. Again, I have no qualms about paying for the convenience of having someone more knowledgeable do the work for me, plus I'm a firm believer in supporting the small business craftsmen so that they can continue to perfect their art.

What with all the other little projects on my plate, including the final plans for my wedding that's a month away, I'm not looking to try my hand at making a strop anytime soon. But at least now I know that a good strop is not so much about some magic material that the average person can't get their hands on as it is a skilled person using materials properly - and making it look good takes a big of art as well.