Well, as preface: I own a Tony Miller 3inch Latigo and Cotton. It's beautiful. While I was in the decision process, I was arguing between a 3 inch SRD latigo, or a 3 inch TM latigo... I decided for the TM, and have no regrets whatsoever. Now, for the questions

I've been hearing a lot of things about Horsehide, how, after stropping on the Latigo, moving to Horsehide has great benefits... Can anyone give some feedback on this to someone relatively new? My 40 pass cotton, 50 pass Latigo works fine, but if horsehide works that well, I may go for it.

Also, I'm thinking, if I get horsehide, I'd go for horsehide and cotton, then turn the cotton on my latigo into a pasting strop. So I could still have cotton, latigo, horsehide, then an 'in between' pasting strop to keep away from the hones as long as I can.

Stropping width. I'm finding that handles work better than a blank end, or a D ring. Handles are more comfortable of an angle for me. However, Width is a conundrum. I currently use the 3 inch latigo and cotton. I'm most comfortable with that, but so far, my only brush with thinner was the 7.50$ TM starter strop, and I couldn't get a comfortable grip on that, as it was a blank end... Should I try a thinner strop with a handle, or should I just stick with 3'' if the results are good for me.

I think that covers everything.

Thanks in advance.