I finally got my first BBS smooth shave today, it wasnt completely irritation free, but smooth as hell. The reason I decided to post in this forum is I am crediting it to my stropping. Today was the first day everything seemed to click while stropping, had good speed, good rythym and most importantly I was able to keep the edge on the leather the whole time. I have been using a 6/8 Dovo and what I think a is a 5/8 Henckels(might be smaller), the bigger razor has been the one that has been easiest to strop but on the return stoke with the smaller one I have had trouble keeping the edge down. I have taken the advice to concentrate on the spine while stropping so i havent rolled an edge yet, but I do keep catching myself raising the edge. I think I may have the strop hanging a little high and have been contemplating lowering it to counter level, like in Lynns videos, but today confirmed that it wasnt the height completely but my technique as well. I used to think that beard prep, pressure and angle were the most important, now I would definitely throw stropping to the top of the list, well right behind a shave ready razor, but I figure that just goes without saying.

Where do you guys hang your strops, the top of the door like in Jockeys vids, under the counter top like in Lynns vids, or somewhere else?

Where would you guys put stropping on your lists of importance? Do you guys think I was correct at linking my best stropping session with my best shave?

Is the reason I see 6/8 razors recommended most because of the fact they are easier to strop, or is that just my experience?

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
