Hey folks,

Theres a host of different pastes and sprays available for finishing off a razors edge after honing, or for touch ups, so what I would like to know is which pastes do you use on your pasted strops and what do you like about them?

I have a denim flatbed strop with 0.5m diamond spray, plus a hanging strop with CrOx on the leather side and white chalk paste on the canvas side.

When I'm done honing I do 10 strokes on the denim, 5 on the CrOx, then another 10 or 15 on the white chalk before going to my unpasted daily strop and on to the test shave.

This gives me a nice progression of abrasivness moving up the pastes and the CrOx takes away the harshness of the diamond spray. Its working very well for me..!

So what pastes do you use, how do you use them and what do you like about them?