Hi guys; I'm on a shaving sabbatical since I moved to my new place here in toronto, because my friend and I were sharing a strop at my old place and I decided to let him take it so I can buy a brand new one without any nicks

so, I've only ever put my hands on two different strops; my open one, which was this one: http://www.classicshaving.com/catalo...944/196033.htm

and X-Man's strop, which I believe was one of tony's ( http://shop.thewellshavedgentleman.c...g?categoryId=2 )

Though they were both leather strops with linen backs, they were completely different.

The DOVO leather was soft, almost like suede, with miniscule 'hairs' sticking up from the soft side of the leather (the shiny side was hidden, pinned against the backside of the linen). The colour was a light tan. The leather itself was moderately thin and flexible. If I gripped it with moist hands (eg. when re-stropping mid-shave) it would leave a darker brown, matted mark on the leather (again consistent with suede).

X's strop was thicker and less flexible, and the texture was very glossy.. the colour was a dark tan.

The linens were very different too; the DOVO again was very pliable, whereas X's seemed stiffer.

So, now I'm trying to figure out what strop I want to buy (and soon!! this beard is driving me nuts). Does anyone have any opinion about what strops they prefer, and what attributes make them prefer it? Of the two types of leather strops I described above, how can I expect their different textures to affect the result of stropping?