Chalk this up as another newbie dumb question but if I can't ask it here where can I ask it . I have a four sided strop I bought from Tony Miller that I had set up as follows ( 6,3,1,.5) micron diamond paste. My problem is I'm having difficulty finding the 6 and the 3 micron diamond paste. I kind of regret setting my strop up this way. Classic shaving sells green and red pastes that fall into the 6 miron and the 2-4 miron range very nicely. While checking out Keith De'Grau and his web site Hand American a while back, he posted that the simple hand cleaning product Goop will clean and condition pasted strops. He further demonstrated his point by cleaning a strop that was impregnated with Chromium Oxide. I've already tried this on my travel paddle strop that is treated with .5 Chromium Oxide and the Goop appears to have removed all traces of the green paste. I am considering using the Goop on the 6 and 3 miron sides of my four sided strop to remove remnants of the diamond paste because I am now at the point where I should apply more, so if I am going to make the switch it should be very soon. Is this a mistake on my part to consider making a switch from the diamond paste to the Dovo green and red pastes? I need feedback from the more experienced among you to give me guidance on this. I do not want to mix grits and cause problems for myself