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Thread: Advice on SRD modular paddle strop

  1. #1
    Member HoldFast's Avatar
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    Default Advice on SRD modular paddle strop

    Ok Gents. I just received my SRD magnetic modular strop. I also picked up some CrOx (from SRD the Livi kind). If you don't know, the paddle strop comes with two hard felt pads, 1 smooth leather and 1 rough leather.

    What is the process for making one of the pads a CrOx pad that can be used to bring back that nice edge?

    Should I use the felt?

    Should I use the CrOx I bought or use the 15 carat diamond spray that comes with the paddle strop?

    Any suggestions or "I wish I had known this before I...." would be appreciated.

  2. #2
      Lynn's Avatar
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    The Livi or Crayon CrOx works best with the poly webbing or back of the leather or on the rough leather of the modular paddle. You only want to rub enough on to start seeing the green. Don't cake it on. The .5 diamond spray, works best on the felt. A light spray up and down the felt twice is plenty. You don't want to saturate the felt. Let it dry over night and you should be good to go. With either the CrOx or diamond spray, I normally only use 10 strokes with no pressure for refreshing or when coming off the hones.

    Have fun,

    earcutter likes this.

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  4. #3
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    I dont know much about strop past but if this is the tupe of past you have or are gettign here is a tutoral with lots of pics on how to correctly past it, i found this in the archives for you and im sure theres more threads with usful info in them if you need Again im not sure if this is what your asking but i hope it helps

  5. #4
    Member HoldFast's Avatar
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    Thanks for the responses guys. So as I understand it....

    the hard felt is great with the sprays (just follow your instructions above).

    CrOx is best applied to fabric webbing (rubbing the block straight onto the webbing with a light application).


    If I add the spray to one of the hard felt pads and use the CrOx on my hanging strop fabric webbing...then what can I use before stropping on leather?

    Could the remaining hard felt pad take the place of my hanging strop fabric webbing? Or is hard felt best used as a base for sprays and not used as a "warm up" for stropping on leather?

    Can anyone tell me what you use your "rough" leather strops or pads for?

    Up until now, I have only stropped with a hanging strop that had webbing and latigo leather. So the extra pads and options are a bit new....I want to make sure that I get the best use out of my new tools! Thanks.

  6. #5
    . Bill S's Avatar
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    I would use the rough leather pad for your CrOx. As Lynn pointed out, just use enough so that the leather shows a little color. Don't over do it. I would keep your webbing strop clean if it is your only fabric strop.
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  8. #6
    Member HoldFast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill S View Post
    I would use the rough leather pad for your CrOx. As Lynn pointed out, just use enough so that the leather shows a little color. Don't over do it. I would keep your webbing strop clean if it is your only fabric strop.
    good idea

  9. #7
    Member HoldFast's Avatar
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    I sprayed the hard felt with the diamond spray from SRD. It will sit overnight and I will give it a go tomorrow. I did two light passes. I figured it is best to have too little than too much of the spray on the felt. I don't want the felt to warp or the hardened spray to ruin my edges. Thanks for the info.

  10. #8
    ace is offline
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    Don't leave us here hanging, Dude, how'd it go?

  11. #9
    Member HoldFast's Avatar
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    Yeah. Sorry for that delay.

    So the next day I took out my DOVO Bismarck and did 6 full passes on the hard felt with the SRD diamond spray. At first, I didn't think it was doing anything because I couldn't feel or hear any "cutting" or "sharpening". It felt like I was was still stropping on regular hard felt. But I was wrong. After the 6 passes on the felt, I went to rough leather strop for 10 or so slow passes. I then finished stropping on leather and took a shave. I could definitely feel the difference in the edge. I got a good smooth shave and feel great about using the sprayed felt in the future. Now I need to rub the CrOx on the rough leather and try that out. But I'm a little hesitant to do that. I like the rough leather so much as is, I don't want to mess it up! I will post back on that process when I work up the courage!

  12. #10
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    i put the crox crayon on rough leather . it will be fine just draw it on. i find that 5 laps on 0.5 spray on felt followed by 5 laps on crox ios also a nice way to finish or refresh.

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