Hey all, I had a few quick questions pertaining to my particular issues with stropping. I apologize in advance if any of my questions are a repeat of a previous thread.
First of all, I am using a Dovo straight razor, with a Dovo strop from AOS. I have been using my straight razor for about 2 weeks now, at least once every 2 days. I strop after each shave, and before each shave. The strop has a canvas side and a leather side. I usually do 15-20 passes on the canvas, and 40 or so on the leather. I have gotten pretty good at turning the razor, and am pretty confident with that skill.
The places I run into issues are mainly on my downward passes. (Blade facing away from me, and razor coming towards me) I have noticed that I often feel more drag or pressure as I come downwards. When this happens it also makes a different sound than my upward passes. I am holding the strop taught, and I am applying what I believe to be the same amount of pressure as my upward stroke.
Any advice or possible explanation would be greatly appreciated. Also if you have any other advice not related to my question, such as how many passes I should be performing, feel free to chime in.
I am definitely going to try to post a video of me stropping, so that I can be critiqued, and work out any mistakes I may be making.

Thanks for your help!