I recently received a HandAmerican strop with the red latigo and brown HandAmerican leather. Mine needed a few applications of fromm strop conditioner and some massaging to relax the leather, but it's performing incredibly well. Using the HandAmerican side the razors strop up in only 30 laps compared to the 40-50 I needed with the Illinois and Bismark strops.

The padded handle is a very nice touch, and the D-ring handle solves the biggest complaint I had about my old strops, which is that I had to be careful how I held the handle or the strop would twist. With the leather grip on the D-ring handle, if I hold it off-center then the handle slides around and the strop still pulls straight.

I also got a version of their strop with both sides in split leather. This one I pasted with Flexcut Gold (bar form) and HandAmerican Boron Carbide paste-in-a-tube, I'm using this one with my knives and it will deliver shaving-sharp edges on a pocketknife, I haven't used it on a razor but I wouldn't be surprised if it worked for that purpose as well. It took my puma stockman from "arm-scraping razor sharp" to "hair popping sharp" in only a few minutes.

Both of them are highly recommended!