Yup I'm doing it...regardless of it having been done before I'm asking the question. I received some wonderful shave gear for Xmas this year including a REAL brush to replace my Walgreens special and a third vintage razor bringing my current collection/rotation to three. After almost 2 years of interest in straight razors my wife finally came to the conclusion that I've lost my mind and will be shaving straight for eternity and therefore sees fit to spend and allow money to be spent on my shaving habits.

That being said I'm probably going to be picking up the final components missing from my shaving arsenal, a set of Norton stones and a strop to replace my strip-o-canvas that has been getting me along through the past year or so. The stones were an easy call but the strop is a little more difficult for me and I have it narrowed down to either
DOVO "Extra Wide" Russian Leather Strop
Tony Miller's Best Wide 3" Hanger

Both are the same price, and because both Tony AND ClassicShaving are highly supported here there's no REAL reason to choose one over another outside of actual quality and performance. SO...and this is in no way meant as a dig at Tony's work since I have no prior experience...which is the better buy?

MY opinion leans towards Tony because a hand built piece would seem like a better buy and than a mass produced commercial product BUT seeing as how the shaving world is smallish the DOVOs could be a fantastic piece of work as well...that's why I am asking here.