Good morning!

My family has embraced my new straight razor shaving obsession. Thanks in a great deal to information gathered here, I have been using a straight for about a year now and have gotten good at shaving and decent at stropping. (Still working on honing!) I had been stropping on a 2.5 inch bench strop and not using any type of other material. the point.

I got a new 3 inch SRP hanging strop with poly webbing backing, and started to mess with it last night. Stropping on the leather was no problem, it was nice to have a full 3in to strop on, though I have developed a "windshield wiper" stropping pattern from my smaller strop. However, the leather works great. Then I tried out the webbing, and promptly microchipped chipped the edge of my razor at the end. I was thinking about it this morning, and thought that maybe it was becasue it was a Spike point. When I was (trying) to strop it the edge snagged as I went across and that is what did me in. So.....I figured I would try this morning with a regular square point. Guess what.....same thing!! So now I have TWO razors with edges chipped at the end. Here is a picture of the razors and the offending strop:

I was holding the strop taut, and keeping the razor flat. What did I do???