Well I eventually got round to making my first strop. For the canvas side I used artists cotton duck canvas I folded in in half length ways and used bondaweb to glue it together it appears to have a very good hold but only time will tell. this first one has been a steep learning curve as I've discovered that it is way easier to use Chicago screws than to stitch leather but I'm still planning to have a go at that when I get better hole punches. My only strop before this one is a 2" one and for me this 3" x 21" one is way better much much easier but I'm pleased I learned to strop on the smaller one first. On first impressions it is working great I've stropped 3 razors today and it is working great. I've got more leather on its way so I'm going to have a go at a few more so I can have a bit more practice and hopefully get better results.