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Thread: Advice on using my new strop

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Advice on using my new strop


    I'm new to the whole art of using a straight razor, especially the sharpening of the blade.

    I bought my strop when I got the razor but the guy in the shop wasn't 100% on how to use it. Having looked at various sites I now understand the use of the different sides but mine doesn't look the same so could you please advise me on the best way to use mine (please see the link below)

    Men Rocks Leather Strop with Clasp - Classic Men's Shaving Accessory | Menkind



  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Welcome to SRP. Your best bet for learning how to strop is to look at the instructional videos. Lynn Abrams' youtube videos will help you.
    Chrisbombhead likes this.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    And they didn't know how to use it! Oh well you got to use it so watch plenty of videos, and see about shopping somewhere else that knows razors, it,ll help you out a lot on this journey to deal with razor users. Good luck. Tc

    also you better get it pro honed cause if they didn't know strops they sure as heck don't know razor honing, and new blades aren't honed. So do yourself a favor and get that taken care of right away,
    JTmke and Chrisbombhead like this.
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  4. #4
    Member Sxot's Avatar
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    I'll start by saying I am new to this game too, but it seems to me you are confused because yours has two single sided strops, not a single double sided one?

    You will use your two single sided strops as the videos do with the other side of a single strop. One is the cleaning/warming stop (probably the rear one) and the front the normal stropping (leather?) side. If they both appear the same, one would be used with the addition of paste to give it a course action. Again, the rear one most likely. HTH mate.
    Astronoboy likes this.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Leather is the finishing side. Canvas to start and leather to finish. 25 canvas and 50 leather.
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