My linen strop from SRD was beginning to show some black so i decided to clean it. Easier said than done. I had put green paste on one side which was not that easy to remove. I started out using hot water and shaving soap. then i used hot water and laundry detergent with bleach and a scrub brush. most of the green is gone. when i finished with the soap and bleach i rinsed with hot water and water softener. The black is gone but there is a hint of green left. When it dries i will reassemble and try it out. May end up ordering a new strop. After this i do believe i will not be using the paste again. Now this brings me to a question. if i do order a new linen strop i may also try another leather strop. Currently i use a English bridle leather from SRD and kind of like the draw on it but have been wondering what little more draw would do. The question is what would give me a little more draw than the English bridle leather. Anyone have both and what would it be.