Hi, im new to shaving with a straight razor, or, a razor for that matter. been getting by with just a clipper for ten years now.

i bought a straight razor off ebay, a zeva, because i thought the scales looked nice, and ended up having to fix it so the blade doesnt hit the scales, and had to sharpen it myself as well, i got it sharp enough to cut hairs, but it still pulls when shaving so im looking to buy a strop.

i would like to buy off amazon, as its currently easiest for me, and stay under $40. and i would like to know what people here think about a certain one, i read reviews on it, some people were very satisfied with it and some said it came hard and needed a lot of conditioning. one person in particular had a detailed review on how he softened it up.

here's a link to the strop

Fromm Razor Strop , 2 1/2-Inches X 23Inches https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001DYM5TG..._v1YxxbMRFEPJK