Quote Originally Posted by kaptain_zero View Post

I will not touch my razors to a linen strop after honing, I'm happy with the idea that the hone has kept the edge straight and only do a very light stropping on leather. After the shave, I wipe the blade clean with a cotton terry towel and then do a few very light strokes on a linen strop to dry the very edge.
The 1961 barber manual on honing/stropping excerpt PDF says to strop on leather only after honing. They recommend linen and then leather once the razor has been used for shaving. I followed this advice for a long while, then speaking with one of the premier pro honers I was surprised to find out that he does linen/leather after honing.

Says it knocks off any divots or anomalies (the linen) after the honing. So I tried it both ways, I haven't come to a conclusion, so I stick with leather like my friend the Kaptain. All stropping once the razor is shaving is done linen/leather, but, following the shave I rinse and dry with a paper towel, then leather only to get the striations in the bevel dry. Different strokes for different folks.

Member DaveW, and maybe Utopian IIRC, have said that a razor can be well maintained for a long period of continuous use by stropping alone. I can't say through my own experience because I rotate so many it is difficult to keep track.