So, in the quest to better my stropping technique, I have started experimenting with different handholds. I have a TM 3'' wide Latigo with the Contoured Leather Handles. With that I got the 2.5'' wide Latigo starter strop with a plain, no grips bottom. I started out using the 2.5 by rolling it over my fingers with my pointer out straight to keep it flat, and stropping... As I've gotten comfortable stropping, I rarely use the 2.5 anymore, and rely on my 3'' Latigo and Cotton... At first with that one, I pulled it taught by the handle so that my arm extended straight away from my body, and pulled it out sideways...

Recently however, I have started hooking my pointer and middle finger into the rectangle buckle at the top of the handle, and pulling it taught by pulling away from where it is fixed, across my chest, rather than straight-arming it... This lets me pull those 3 inches REALLY tight, and get a good, equal stropping surface.

So, my question to you guys, what is your prefered strop handhold, and what position/hand placement do you hold it with. Also, what is your prefered strop (the maker/model, and width?)

Unrelated: As I said, I'm practicing my stropping. If I maintain proper form, is it possible to over-strop a blade like you can overhone it, or does continual obsessive stropping not cause damage unless you roll the edge? (I'm not talking hours on end... Just 1-4 times over the course of a day) [If it is important at all... I shave 3x a week]
