well i went and got me a couple of illinois 206 strops

after trying it for a few days i decide i prefer a little more draw...
First i try Dovo yellow strop dressing, gets a little softer but not the draw i want
Trial two: Oil use what you got right?
I used baby oil first just a little, strop get softer no difference in draw.
And then i soak it in oil, now its pliable as soft rubber no draw at all
and if i squeese it oil comes out of it.
Been laying it flat lately rubbing with the back of a knife and wiping the exess with paper.
(i could use a steam roller i think)
Rubbing with soap works temporarelyas a fix but its not long before it starts seeping again.

Now does anyone have a remedy for this or is it just another example of why not to do this?

i still got another of those strops so its not catastropic for me