I currently have a 3" starter strop from Neil Miller but I find that I prefer a narrower strop as it makes me do an X stroke. I found on Ebay a sources of 2" bridle leather, cotton webbing and square ended trigger clips. I have a wood turning lathes and loads of wood offcuts so I thought I would make handles from wood.

Well today was construction day. Alas the motor on my lathe died while making a 2nd handle so I have not made the cotton one, for which I shall now order a D ring, and complete in a few days time.

The leather I received was finished on both sides, which is something I had not expected.

Having turned the handle and attached it to a block with a slot cut I cut the strap of leather to length, I decided that I wanted to sand one side of the leather to give 2 textures, I then cut a small piece of leather to attach it to the trigger hook. I borrowed a stitch marker from my wife and used an awl to mark the holes then drilled 2 of them out, tied everything together then drilled out the rest. I then stitched everything together.

I then glued the leather into the slot which I had cut to size and popped on a couple of panel pins for good measure.
This being the end result (top is the front bottom is the back)

Width and length seem good for me and the draw is different on the front and back but both seem good. I think that I will strop some on the back then finish on the front.