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Thread: What the better choice for a beginner?

  1. #1
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    Default What's the better choice for a beginner?

    Ok, so I have done a bit searching before posting this but couldn't come up with a solid answer to my question. I have (or so it seems) limited choices of strops at the moment unless ordering one from abroad where, let's face it, the possibilities are staggering and somewhat daunting for a freshman. I've narrowed might criteria down to 3 high quality strops. Now I know people say buy a cheaper strop for your because you will damage it but I want the best for my razor(s). So I'm looking at a 3" dovo extra wide single side only ($140) a dovo 1.75 double side leather canvas ($84) or a dovo 2" double made from russian leather ($129). I've read things about 3 inch strops curving and the smaller ones being harder to use for those than have never x stopped before. I hate buying stuff only to get on the forum with an issue and everyone says "well you probably woulda been better going this way".

    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by azazel; 04-15-2013 at 03:02 PM.

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    You could spend half as much and your razor will still thank you. As long as the strop is quality it will work the same whether you spend $60 or $160. But, if you spend the big bucks and you muck up the strop remember, we told you so.

    If I were you I'd get a modest piece to start.
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  4. #3
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    well so far $64 is a the cheapest single sided strop I can find with $84 being the cheapest double from memory. unfortunately prices here in Oz differ greatly from america. I could get a custom made one with all the bells and whistles for $108 from US but it would take a month to get here.

    Thanks for the advice, I'll try and find some decent cheaper ones here.

  5. #4
    Senior Member WhiskerHarvest's Avatar
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    I agree with thebigspendur, I bought a 3" Big Daddy and couldn't be happier. The strop wasn't as expensive as most but really performs well. You will put some elbow grease into it breaking it in but it is a nice strop.

    The question is, do you feel like spending big money again if you damage your first strop? Consider a less expensive strop and spend the leftovers on some soap samplers!

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  6. #5
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    Thanks champ, I keep running into road blocks with availability of cheap strops being sold out. I don't know anyone who custom makes them here otherwise I may go that avenue. Our store stock is all dovo, GF or cyril R salter that i have seen and its quiet pricey

  7. #6
    Contains ingredients Tack's Avatar
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    I have to agree with Wisker.. I also tried the Big Daddy strop in English Bridle. I've spent four times as much on strops and have to admit that none are really "better". They ( also sell replacement parts quite cheaply if you nick it badly. I think you'll find it worth the shipping wait.

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    ok ill look into it, Jimbo has my razor at the moment so i won't be needing anything for at least a week or two anyway.
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  9. #8
    MJC is offline
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    thebigspendur has the right idea, you will cry less when you nick up your basic strop.
    Suggest that you add a paddle to your options, IMHO they are easier to master.
    And if you opt for a SRP modular you can change out that nicked surface for a fraction of the cost.

    Good luck and Happy Shaving...
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  11. #9
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    why not buy a piece of scrap leather and practice stroping and when you feel comfortable then invest the money in all the bells and whistle strop !
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  12. #10
    Derp! TonyFranciozi's Avatar
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    I love a 3" strop, but you can certainly get the same results with a narrower one, and for less money to boot. For you, I would say pick the one you like best. And remember that if you take your time stropping you'll be a lot less likely to nick it up than if you rush. You could also practice with a butter knife or something dull until you feel comfortable.

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