Hello I have started doing restores as most of you know now. Well I am ready to take them to the next level and restore vintage scales, replace scales, and tighten pins/repin razors. I have a razor currently that has cell rot so I need to replace the scales on it, as well as replace one scale on another, and also I have one that just needs to be repinned on one side. However my newborn son is soon coming, and we are tight on money so I don't have a lot to spend. When I moved last I lost all of my tools and now I only have a smaller hammer as well a file my dad gave me to help with some tools I will need. Other than this I have nothing. My dad and I tried repinning one a few days ago when I was outta town at his place and it didn't go too well the pins and washers a member helped me with got all messed up and I didn't have the right tools to get the job done. This being said I don't have a lot to spend but I need to get started restoring completely so I can make some cash and sell and refurbish razors for my fellow students and barber friends when my baby comes, plus I also need to get the razor that's cell rotted into new scales before it ends up in worse shape. Where is a good place to by the rest of the tools I need online as well as washers and pins and scales that are good quality but wont break bank? Thanks for any help guys and I wish I wasn't so low on funds its no fun.-john