Just when I was about to open myself a well deserved cold beer I managed to ruin a razor restore job. I have sanded that blade to near mirror shining perfection and got the scales ready for assembly, when I accidentally dropped the razor on my bench.....

(insert vulgar language and some biblical terms)

This is what happend:

And this is what it was gonna look like.

I was so proud on my work and the this happend! Well let's regroup and see what I've learned from this project.

1. Pear-tree wood, makes beautiful scales.
2. The shape of the scales was perfect.
3. The wedge was to small and to thin, next time make it bigger and wider so I can sand it down aligned with the scales.
4. The razor had some deep pitting right on the spot where it snapped, maybe it had become weak anyway.
5. Never ever drop a razor again....
6. EVER!