I received this W&B from a lot of blades I got off the Bay a number of months ago. Just kind of getting to sort through them now. I was wondering if you folks could comment and tell me if I should just put it my cabinet of curiosities for display or if there is any hope to shave with it. The blade is wonky as a result of being over zealous taking the heel end of the frown out. I realize it looks crazy. I just want to shave with it regardless. I think I can reset the bevel. The nomenclature is very weak but readable. I'm fearful of losing width at the toe. This is as far as I have taken it up to 220 grit greaseless. I am not concerned with the pitting, I just want to be able to shave with a Wade & Butcher Barber's notch. I'll re-scale it.
Thanks folks