I am currently using a Dovo 6/8 Best Quality SR (with a rounded toe edge) and I am enjoying it very much. I have collected a number of very nice vintage SRs and they are in various stages of restoration, cleanup, honing, etc.. Most of my vintage razors have square toes and very sharp tips. I am wondering how much of an effort it would take to round the toe or at least make them less lethal (specifically rounding the tip that is likely to come in contact with earlobes...for example). A few questions:

1. I don't have access to any power tools, so I am wondering if I can do this "rounding" by hand by some means? I am mindful of not chipping the square toe and ruining the blade. Could I somehow blunt the tip to make it less lethal without affecting the overall performance of the blade?
2. Am I just over reacting? Is it just a matter of getting used to a square (sharp) tip?
3. Is there any particular advantage to a round tip versus a square tip? I am guessing its just a safety issue and not overall performance of the blade?