“I must have missed that somewhere along the line.
I've only had to make a couple of wedges and always ended up tapering them vertically because the scales didn't look right.
Glad to hear that I'm not crazy and they are supposed to be that way.”
No, not really.
That may be a fairly recent practice, seen only on new custom razors.
I have not seen a double taper, (front to back, and top to bottom), on any of the many vintage wedges I have un-pinned. I really don’t see the point, as the top of the scales makes contact with the blade and controls the depth of the blade in the scales.
Just measure the blade width, where you want it to touch the top of the scales and make the thick part of the wedge, that thickness.
The vertical taper, would build a twist in to a pair of scales and I wonder, what the long term effect would be on horn, bone or un-stabilized wood. You could probably get away with it on plastics.